Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What do the words "presentation", "representation" mean to you


"Humans are useless in the presentation form and Computers are useless in the representation form."

I believer there is some truth to that yet, disagree with it as well. What we want to represent: what media, what we want to get across, how we go about doing it cant be developed from a computers end, however, a computer can very much inspire us and change our development of an original idea. What we present however, is finalized. I don't think that means the computer is in full control. I believe that we still have the opportunity in manipulating our outcomes and last min... maybe we through in a mixed media element what is it projected or printed on to? Is it interactive? I think society needs to realize both computer and ourselves play a vital role, hand in hand in our outcomes and our destinies of what a computer can do for us, and for technology.

Presentation: The information being shown/ spoken to an audience or person.
an act of presenting.
the state of being presented.
a social introduction, as of a person at court.
an exhibition or performance, as of a play or film.
offering, delivering, or bestowal, as of a gift.
a gift.
a demonstration, lecture, or welcoming speech.
a manner or style of speaking, instructing, or putting oneselfforward: His presentation was very poor.
Commerce . the presentment of a bill, note, or the like.)))

Representation: Something that takes the place of something; being present in a certain place and time. EXAMPLE: Say i worked at a firm and there was a meeting. Only I went there; I would be represent the company, therefor I'm their representation
the act of representing.
the state of being represented.
the expression or designation by some term, character,symbol, or the like.
action or speech on behalf of a person, group, businesshouse, state, or the like by an agent, deputy, orrepresentative.
the state or fact of being so represented: to demandrepresentation on a board of directors.
Government . the state, fact, or right of being representedby delegates having a voice in legislation or government.
the body or number of representatives, as of a constituency.))

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