Friday, January 21, 2011

1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, What G

1G, 2G, 3G, 4G what G? We have commercials telling us get the new 4G... SOOOoo much better, yet we have NO CLUE what 4G is or why its better. Well good old Google tells me that its a name for the specifications/ standards of what the device should meet-if its 4G. Each time A new G comes out its fixes from the issues meet with the G before as well as new technology/software/apps. So, If we have no clue then why do we get it?


is currently in vogue for some people to spend a great

deal of time trying to prove what computers cannot

do. Since we are at the very early stages of a revolution,

it is much more productive to work hard on finding

interesting, complex, and useful problems that computers

can solve. You should devote your efforts to

solving such problems and stop worrying about what

computers can’t do.

In order for the steam engine to produce

genuinely revolutionary change,

there had to be a whole series of subsequent

inventions, none of which were—

or could have been—contemplated by

its originators

Steam boat-> Affect on physicians(they road horses to patience now, patience come to them)->electricity->nuclear power->robotics->networking


Besides, our task is not to decide

what computers can’t do but to look

ahead for the very short distance that we

are capable of and to think about what

we can get computers to do, what we

would like them to do that they can’t do

right now."

This reading is about taking risks in paths that interest you to improve something. While we might have a big idea, we might only get a few steps into making it happen. The point is that multiple people come together to make the next big thing.... Instead of saying what a technology cant do we should be figuring out how to make it happen!

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